
投稿 約3年前

Agkk 2022 New Year Greetings

アドバイザリーグループCEO松岡ジバゴより新年のご挨拶(English follows)




  • 人生におけるポジティブなこと、自分でコントロールできることに集中すること

  • よく食べ、よく眠り、寡黙であり、よく聞き、良いことをし、人に親切にする。

  • 心配を減らし、笑顔を増やし、もっと生きよう。"恐怖の中で生きる人生は、半分しか生きられない人生だ "ということを忘れないでください。


Wishing you a very healthy and happy New Year!


New Year greetings from Jivago, Advisory Group CEO (English to follow)

We finished 2021 where the values of positivity, flexibility and supporting one another while tackling unprecedented challenges have never been so important.  While a new calendar year may not immediately transform our current reality, we are optimistic for all the possibilities the new year brings.

Here are our new year wishes to everyone as we kick start 2022, in a nutshell:

  • Focus on the positive things in life, things you can control

  • Eat well, sleep well, talk less, listen more, do good and be good to others

  • Worry less, smile more and live more, remember "a life lived in fear is a life half-lived"

As we embark on another year, I am very pleased to extend my very best wishes to you and your family for health and prosperity in 2022.  Wishing you a very healthy and happy New Year!