アドバイザーインタビュー第1回 スコット・モーガン

投稿 1年以上前

Scott's Training

さて、今月より始まりました、アドバイザーインタビュー第1回は シニアアドバイザー スコット・モーガン



[English follows]

1) アドバイザリーグループで働いていて一番楽しいと思うことは何ですか?






レジリエンス(回復力)- 常に前進し、立ち上がることも重要です。

責任感 -自分のビジネスに対して責任を持たなければなりません。

共感力 - 企業様のポイントが何であるかを理解すること。同様に求職者様もです。なぜ、その人は転職を考えているのか?その動機は何なのか?思いを巡らせることが大切になってきます。

3) なぜ、企業様は他のファームではなく、アドバイザリー・グループと仕事をすることを選ぶのでしょうか?



4) 求職者が仕事を得るために最も重要なことは何でしょうか。



5) 現在の市場において、採用上の課題は何ですか?




1) What are some of the things you enjoy the most working at the Advisory Group?

​The people I work with are very important to me. We have a great young and diverse team here at the Advisory Group and watching them grow and develop in only 6 months has been awesome.

​We're in a great location (Shibuya scramble WeWork) and I'm enjoying having the flexibility to work in a different room or people. We have also recently moved to a hybrid working style (WFH or the office). In the end, it's down to us and how we want to work.

​2) What do you think are the most important traits to become a trusted advisor?

​That's a tough question... this job is not for everyone, and you need a thick skin to survive in this business. As an advisor, we represent the interests of our clients as well as people at the end of the day, and developing solid relationships with both clients and people looking for jobs is so important.

​To be a good advisor, you must be a good listener and be confident in asking people difficult questions.

* Resilience - Keep moving forward and getting back up.

​* Responsibility is essential, you must hold yourself accountable for your business.

​* Empathy and understanding what the client's pain points are, as well as the situation of the candidate. Why is this person looking to move? What is their motivation?

3) Why do clients choose to work with you and the Advisory Group over other firms?

​This goes back to building relationships with both clients and people. Introducing quality people who are qualified rather than quantity and spamming lots of resumes to a client.

Adding value by actually partnering with our clients. Some clients don't want to work like this and are more transactional, which is fine. But as much as we can, we offer insights into the jobs market and work closely with the hiring managers. Recruitment is a people business, first and foremost.

4) What are some of the most important things for candidates to get a job?

​My best advice is to treat finding a job like a job in itself. You need to give 100%- to really see results. You can't do it casually (you can.. but there is a lot of frustration waiting for you!).

Once in the process, research about the company and what they do, ask questions and show your enthusiasm about the opportunity you are applying for. Take criticism as something constructive- and make sure you fix it.

​5) What are the recruiting challenges in the current market?

​For the area I cover (Marketing), many companies that are coming to us are struggling to fill digital roles (including E-Commerce, Social (SNS) and digital marketing). This is due partly because of COVID and the challenges that companies are switching to a more digital future, but also a lack of available talent in the market. It goes back to educating companies about the market and offering alternative options to them.

​Something that our clients have appreciated is the option to hire both Permanent and temporary staff from us depending on their situation.

​Another big trend I have seen recently in the market is more and more people leaving their jobs in the first 6 months. Online interviews are the new norm, but something we do at the Advisory Group is to encourage our clients to have at least one F2F interview so people can get a sense of the culture & team in person- that makes both parties happier and more confident in joining and staying at the company.

​Lastly, something that hasn't changed since I started recruiting 6 years ago is that people have more than one opportunity they are applying for at the same time..sometimes 4/5 different companies, which is why we try to partner with clients to improve and streamline the process, having clear communication throughout the interview process. Timing is crucial, and unfortunately, when Companies don't understand this, they lose out to their competitors and on the people they want for their teams.