Ten years ago, a determined woman moved to Japan, her husband following suit. Today, she is a proud mother of two boys, aged 5 years and 10 months, and a rising star at Advisory Group. Just four months after giving birth, Tamara Bukhala (Tammy) joined our team as an Associate and swiftly climbed the ranks to become an Advisor.
Her day starts early, preparing her children for the day ahead. With kids leaving at different times, her husband steps in to help with the second school run, allowing her to arrive at work early. Despite the absence of a prevalent overtime culture at Advisory Group, she often finds herself the first one in and the last one out. But how does she manage this work-life balance?
The answer lies in her unwavering dedication and the support of her husband. She maximizes her productivity during the eight-hour workday, ensuring she gives her all to her family and career.
What fuels this relentless drive? "The Good Life," she says. "I want to provide a good life for my kids." She thrives on the thrill of the early morning hustle and the excitement of the unknown that each workday brings. Her mantra? "Don't give up easily. Keep working hard, and you'll see how far you've come when you look back. You win some, you lose some. So just keep moving."
At Advisory Group, she found more than just a job. She found a supportive system, a team that fosters healthy competition while always ready to lend a hand. Here, we compete, yet we help each other grow. We share advice and strive for improvement. It's an open culture that values every individual's contribution.
Her story is a testament to Advisory Group's commitment to supporting working parents and promoting a balanced and fulfilling work environment. It's a story of resilience, ambition, and the power of a supportive community. It's a story we're proud to share.