Does time really kill all deals?

Posted almost 4 years ago

Image 2021 04 12 T01 00 05

​Sometimes good things do come to those who wait. In the world, and in recruitment especially, so much emphasis is put on instant gratification. I want it now, I want it yesterday. Time kills all deals. But often this rush is at the expense of quality, both of the service itself and the final product.

Here is an example of both the candidate and the client, taking their time, to identify the perfect match. The client did not rush the recruitment process. The candidate remained calm and engaged. Time does not kill all deals; lack of control, no commitment to change and failure to manage nonlinearity does.

No two processes are the same in recruitment, just as no two candidates are the same. There is a job for everyone and a candidate for every client - just make sure you partner with Advisory Group to help you navigate the ambiguity of the recruitment process, whether it takes 3 days or 3 months. We will support you every step of the way.