MINDSET: "There is no failure except in no longer trying."

Posted over 4 years ago

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MINDSET: "There is no failure except in no longer trying."

Whether you're searching for a new job or a sense of accomplishment, you need a strong mindset. Everyone has their own pace and you can't let external factors affect you.

A recent example is with our Finance & Accounting advisor Toshi and his candidate: The pandemic has created difficult conditions in the job market, however, the candidate trusted our process, advice, and Toshi persevered on with his own self-motivation. It took time, but, ultimately, they both got the job done. 

We work every day with hiring managers who understand the needs of the firm. Our client screen candidates based on skills, achievements, and more importantly, ATTITUDE.

Contact us at info@theadvisorygroup.co.jp or at 050-1741-0090 if you're having difficulty finding a job or finding the right talents for your organization. We will be happy to support you in finding your next career via permanent, temporary, outsourcing, or contracting opportunities.

At Advisory Group, we strive to provide such excellence with each and every client and candidate, we continuously ask for feedback to better improve our level of service. Why do candidates work with us? Find out why here:

Q1. How was your experience with Advisory Group?

"Yes, very positive, because you are hardworking people."

Q2 - How would you rate your experience with us?


Q3 - How likely is it that you would recommend our service to a friend or colleague?

"Extremely likely - 10"​